Hi Sarah! Loving your post - entries, music and pics are food for my soul! Gracias! : )

Fun Fact: the family that moved into your house on Audubon.... Maria Ines, mom of the fam, is first gen Argentinian American. She went to Harvard (BS) and Stanford (Masters). They have two kids and her husband Jonathan also went to the same schools. He's now a big deal at UCD (why they moved to Davis).... he runs the Genome lab.... Anyway Maria Ines is lovely and I thought it was a fun loop with where you are now! Enjoy!

Diana Mahoney

PS - Our daughter Molly just finished her sophomore year at Boise State and is headed to Barcelona in the fall and Gold Coast, Australia for spring semester. Between the two of you I will travel as well albeit virtually!! Much love and adventure!

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Wow how amazing! I’m loving the country and people here, it’s truly been a wonder so far. Awesome to hear from you!

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